- Burner Notification Process
• Permits are required for all prescribed fires except agricultural burning and leaf pile burning. Burners obtain permit from county forestry office.
• Contact information for each county is available online.
- Notification
• Day of burn
- Burn Permit Decision Criteria
• The size, date, type of burn, county location, weather, and air quality conditions are used by the county ranger to decide if a permit will be issued.
• Burns > 1 acre are screened to determine if smoke-sensitive airsheds or populations are threatened. Also review of previous day ozone and PM air quality.
- State Regulations
• Georgia Forest Fire Protection Act (GA Gode Ann. 12-6-80 - 12-6-93), Georgia Prescribed Burning Act (GA Code Ann. 12-6-145 - 12-6-149),
Georgia Open Burning Regulations (Section 391-3-1-.02(5),"Open Burning")