- Burner Notification Process
• Burners supply burn info to DOF via internet, or phone.
• Cumulative modeling is conducted and provides DOF with potential hazard info that is integrated into the authorization process.
• Authorization approval process is same statewide.
- Notification
• Day of burn, or after 4pm of the previous day.
- Burn Permit Decision Criteria
• Modeling using FMIS is conducted by FL DOF to determine whether multiple burns will cause visibility impairment in smoke sensitive areas.
• PM2.5 conc of 300 ug/m3 is the threshold used. (Burner assesses screening for health and other air quality concerns.)
• Info maintained in FMIS
- State Regulations
• Title XXXV, Chapter 590 Forest Protection: 590.125 Open burning authorized by the Division (of Forestry).