National Interagency Fuels Coordination Group (NIFCG)

The National Interagency Fuels Coordination Group was established shortly after the National Fire Plan in October of 2001 under the direction and guidance of the Department of the Interior's Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), and National Park Service (NPS) as well as the Department of Agriculture's Forest Service (FS). The primary purpose of the group is to provide leadership and coordination in uniting the Departments' resources and fire management programs under a common purpose for reducing risks to communities while improving and maintaining ecosystem health. The primary goal is to provide assistance and guidance in the development and implementation of an effective interagency fuels management program including addressing risks from severe fires in WUI communities and restoring healthy ecological systems in other wildland areas. The Fuels Group consists of five primary members, fuels lead representative for each agency, an executive secretary, advisors including subject matter experts, and workgroups chartered and/or under the direction of the group.

Source: FRAMES Resource Cataloging System (RCS). 2010. National Interagency Fuels Management. Accessed on 29 September 2011. Available at
